Paper Christmas Angles

Colour in the two angles in any colour you wish.
Now cut out the angles.
Cut along the dotted lines. This creates the angles wings and arms.
Curve the angle?s skirt round and use the tab at the back to glue you angle together.
Bring the angles arms down from the ?above head? position and create folds at the angles shoulders.
The angle?s wings should stand proudly out behind the angle.
Angles can be stood up on shelves or on other surfaces, or suspended from the Christmas tree with a piece of thread selotaped to the back of the angle?s head. Simple, easy to make and attractive angle decorations, print some off and have a go.
Paper angles also make lovely dinner place names for Christmas dinner seating pans. Just write the name of the guest on the angle?s skirt and glue a small piece of silver tinsel to the back of the angels head for a halo effect and to add a bit of sparkle.
Printable Paper Christmas Angles Here
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