Home Made Advent Calendars

All you need is...
Felt tip pens, paints or pencils, PVA glue, thin card or stiff paper, magazines and catalogues and two print outs of a calendar front and a calendar back.
Calendar Print Outs
Print out one back for each Calendar and one front, choose from a Santa Calendar or a Rudolf one.
Click here for the Calendar Print outs
Take the 'back' print out, it is covered in 25 squares. Each square corresponds with a door on the front print out. Cut out pictures from the magazines and catalogues and stick them onto the squares. Don't worry if the pictures hang out of the boxes a little, it wont bee seen later. Leave this to one side to dry.
There is a choice of two print outs for the calendar front. There is a Santa calendar and a Rudolf one. Print one out and colour or paint the picture on the front of the calendar. If you choose to paint it, you will need to let it dry out before you continue.
The front of the calendar needs to be stuck to thin card or stiff paper. Sugar paper would be ideal. Cover the whole of the sheet in a thin layer of PVA glue, and stick on to the card or paper. Allow to dry.
Each door on the front of the calendar needs cutting. You need to be very careful, and cut 3 sides of each square. The doors could open to the left or to the right, or upwards or downwards, whatever way you choose.
To cut the doors is a bit tricky and younger children may need an adults help.
Put a ball of plasticine or Blu-Tack on the table, and place your picture on top of it where you want to make the hole, at a corner of a square would be good. Push a pencil through the paper and into the Blu-Tack or plasticine. This will give you a hole to get the scissors into to cut the door. Cut around all 25 doors.
Stick the calendar front to the back (The sheet with the magazine pictures stuck to it) Making sure that you can see the pictures when the doors are opened.
Leave the calendar somewhere to dry.
On the first of December you an open the first door of the advent calendar, the door with number one on it. Open one door every day. The morning that you open door number 25 will be Christmas Day, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
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