Simple Glitter Christmas Tree Decorations

To make simple glitter Christmas tree decorations you will need?
Thin card to make stencils, thick card (a grocery box is ideal), glue, paint, glitter and thread to form hanging loops.
You will also need the free print out of the Christmas tree decorations, Click Here.. for the printable Christmas decoration stencils.
To make the stencils, stick the print out sheet onto some thin card. Cut the shapes out once the glue is dry. These stencils are used to make the Christmas tree trimmings.
Choose a set of stencils for one of the four designs and draw around each shape onto the thick card. Keep the shapes towards the edge of the card to avoid wastage.
Cut the shape out carefully. Stick the decoration together as follows.
The Christmas present decoration.
Glue the ribbon piece to the main piece so that it looks as if the box has ribbon wrapped around it.
The bell decoration.
Glue the bell rim to the main part at the bottom of the bell. Glue the dome to the top part of the bell so that it leaves a gap between the dome and the rim.
The angel decoration.
Glue the skirt to the main angel part so that the angel's toes peep out from below the skirt. Glue the halo piece on the main part halo so that the 'U' is the right way up.
The reindeer decoration.
Glue the long shape to the reindeer's back, and glue the reindeer's head into position. Stick the small ear piece at the base of the antler on the reindeer's main part.
Once the glue has dried the decorations can be painted in festive colours. Whilst the paint is still wet sprinkle on some glitter to make the decoration sparkle.
When the glue has dried stick some thread to the back of the decoration in a loop so that it can be hung on the Christmas tree.
For more Christmas Decoration ideas visit
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