Thursday, June 21, 2007

Deck the Halls with Ping-Pong Balls

Funky Christmas Ping-Pong baubles are simply made from Ping-Pong balls. There are five different designs you could make a Christmas pudding, a Christmas Robin, a sprig of holly, a sparkly bauble or an apple.

To make Christmas Ping-Pong Baubles you will need... Ping-Pong balls, poster paint, glitter, scraps of card, PVA glue, twigs, and Parcel ribbon to make hanging loops.

To start with you will need to make a ball stand to top the Ping-Pong balls from rolling around as you work on them. Cut a piece f card about 7cm by 2 cm and wind it around a pencil to make it curl. Unroll and bring the two ends of the card so that hey meet and staple them together. This is the ball stand.

The Glitter Bauble
Paint the Ping-Pong ball in any colour you choose. Metallic colours look great. Leave the paint to dry.

Using a corkscrew gently push a hole in to the top of the ball. Take a length of parcel ribbon and fold it in half to make a loop. Fold the ends length ways a little, this helps when feeding the ribbon into the hole.

Cover the top half of the ball and the hole with PVA glue. Push the ribbon inside the ball leaving a hanging loop sticking out. Sprinkle the top of the ball with glitter and set aside to dry.

For instructions of ow to make the other ping-pong ball christmas trimings Click Here...

Send a customised letter from SantaAdd extra magic to your child's Christmas this year with a free customised email from Santa. Choose one of our beautiful, especially designed Christmas note papers on which your letter from Santa will be written. Then customise the content of the letter, add your child's name, age, friends and family names, even what add what your child's has been doing. Customised letters from Santa re-enforce their belief in Father Christmas and adds to your child's seasonal excitement. Letters can also be sent to big kids and husbands, wives, sisters, granny, in fact anyone who you think would enjoy a bit of festive cheer. All Santa emails can be sent world-wide FREE of charge, and the emails will appear to have been sent from Santa himself.
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Having problems? Check out Santa's 'Frequently Asked Questions' Page
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Write a Letter to SantaWe have a cunning service for children (or adults) to write a letter to Santa requesting all the goodies that they would like for Christmas. The child (or adult) has to submit their parents (The person you want to hint to) email address, we tell the child that this is due to age restrictions. Of course this is nonsense, we ask for the parents email address so that the wish list can be sent directly too the parents (or the person your hinting to) All letters to Santa are sent a reply from Santa View the reply email here This service enables you to know exactly what your child wants for Christmas. Adults can of course also use this service to hint to their partner what they would like for Christmas. Writing to Santa is a FREE service
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