Potpourri Bundles

To make potpourri bundles you will need...
Fine or broken up Potpourri, lace doilies or net curtain material, some lengths of ribbon, needle and thread and silk roses to decorate.
First cut a circle from the lacey material, about 12 cm across.
Sew a row of running stitches 2 cm away from the edge of the fabric. Draw the stitching up slightly so that the fabric starts to make a little 'pocket'. Leave the needle and thread attached for later.
Fill the little pocket with potpourri. Compact it in as much as possible and then pull the thread to draw up the material to close in the potpourri.
Wrap the thread tightly around the scrunched up top or neck of the bundle, and finish off with a couple of stitches on top of one another.
Take a length of ribbon about 30 cm and wrap it around the neck of the bundle and tie it into a knot leaving two long tails. Cross the tail ends over each other to form an 'X' and with a needle and a similar coloured thread, Tack the tail ends together with a couple of neat stitches.
Finishing touches
You can either sew on small silk ribbon roses if you have any, or make a bow with more ribbon wrapped around the neck of the bundle.
When wrapping up your potpourri bundles, pop them into an airtight bag to keep the scent in.
For a real Christmassy feel use a spiced Christmas fragrance potpourri in the bundles.
For more Christmas Gift ideas Visit http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk/homemade-christmas-gift-ideas.shtml
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